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13 posts
Is Your Sunscreen Damaging the Ocean? What you need to know
Did you know that your favourite sunblock might be slowly killing the ocean's coral reefs? How does that happen and how can it be avoided?
Sustainability is not a trend. It’s a lifestyle
Call me old fashioned, but I wake up with a radio. I have this radio station I listen to every morning, that has good music and little talk. Perfect for…
15 Easy Zero Waste Swaps to Help You Live a Little Lighter
Ever thought about going zero waste, but felt like this was too much of a dramatic leap? Don’t worry, it is possible to minimise your waste and consumption by taking a few simple steps. Below are a few ideas to get you on track towards a more sustainable lifestyle.
What Is Greenwashing And How Can You Avoid It?
The term ‘Greenwashing’ is coming up more and more. So it is important to know what that actually means and what we can do to avoid it.
Money Saving Eco Tips: Save Money and the Planet
Sustainable living is all about simplicity. Minimising waste and consumption is not only good for the environment, it will also save you money.
9 Simple Plastic Free Travel Hacks
Traveling can be a life changing experience. We travel to live, to see, to experience all that this world has to offer. It is truly a great thing. However, in order for it to stay a great thing, we also need to keep in mind our plastic use as we galavant around the planet.
5 Plastic-Free Hotels in Siem Reap | Eco-Friendly Travel
Despite its relatively small population, the city of Siem Reap in Cambodia is home to an impressive number of plastic-free hotels. These pioneer establishments are amongst the staunchest supporters of being environmentally friendly and they hope to inspire other boutique hotels and large chains to follow suit, both in Cambodia and further afield.
9 Eco Friendly Toiletry Swaps for Plastic Free Travel
When it comes to our grooming routine, what we choose to buy makes a difference. After all, toiletries are something that most humans use every day.
6 Ways to Eat Plastic Free While Travelling
The easiest ways we can reduce the plastic we use involve making some changes in our consumer patterns. We’ve got a few suggestions for some changes you can make on the go to tread a little lighter.
What is Plastic Free July?
A movement of zero single-use plastic is dominating our Instagram feeds as people join together to reduce their plastic usage.
10 Tips to Make Your Travel More Ethical
Travel is nourishing for the mind and spirit. Here’s how to do it in a way that is good for your soul and the planet.
Minimalism vs Zero Waste: What You Need to Know
What do zero waste and minimalism mean? And what type of lifestyle choices do minimalist living and zero waste living involve?
Ethical, Sustainable, Vegan, Slow Fashion: What Does it Actually Mean?
Ethical, sustainable, vegan and slow fashion… what does it all mean and how can we start to make informed purchase decisions?