The subconscious directs the way we live our lives and what we experience
From the food we eat to our routine, relationships, career path and reactions.
Like the auto-pilot function of an aeroplane, we are pre-programmed to follow a specific route. It may not necessarily be a route that we wish to be going down. Well we can’t deviate from it unless we change the directions that are programmed.
The good news is that it’s in our power to change these directions.
What is the Subconscious?
The subconscious operates below the waking level of consciousness. It’s what takes the driving seat when our attention is required elsewhere. When we are not fully focused on the task at hand.
Where does it come from?
We are programmed at infancy.
From 0-7 we are like a sponge. Not knowing any different, with no previous conditioning or experiences to challenge the messages we receive.
Relationships with our family, school friends, TV programmes. Any input from those early years, any critique, it all stuck. It all got soaked up by our subconscious.
That same subconscious that later comes to assess scenarios based on these past experiences.
The issue now is that these messages could conflict with the conditions we wish to create. Stemming self limiting beliefs.
Such as?
It could be that niggling voice telling us we are not good enough, sabotaging potential relationships because the other is far “too attractive” to be interested in us.
Or the fear that prevents us from trying something because we “know” we’re going to fail anyway.
The subconscious is the underlying reason for a lot of negative self talk and impulsive reactions that we may sometimes come to regret.
How do we change it?
We start to live consciously. Become aware of the inner voice. Don’t get caught up in it. Step away from it. Challenge it.
Try these 3 steps:
- OBSERVE the inner voice and your reaction to it
- REPLACE the negative reaction or thought with a positive one.
- REPEAT whenever you notice the same trigger.
By challenging the voice and repeating our desired responses, we rewrite our coding and these responses start to occur more naturally.
By replacing negative messages with positive ones we reroute our mind to guide us down a brighter more fulfilling path.
Be the Creator
We can live any life we dream of once overcoming the limitations of the subconscious mindset and starting instead to live consciously.
What do you mean live consciously?
Be Conscious of What You’re Engaging In
Be aware of your environment and build one in which you thrive.
Instead of focusing on things that trigger a negative through pattern, focus on things that lift you up, bring you joy, make you smile.
Limit your exposure to negativity – be it news, social media or toxic people.
Switch Off
Mindlessly scrolling through social media or zoning out of the distant buzzing of the news channel in the background.
We may not be focusing on it, but we are still absorbing the information. It is entering our subconscious and triggering emotional responses whether we are aware of it or not.
Mindlessly absorbing such information affects our focus. It drains us of energy and feeds the inner critic.
Be Present – Act Consciously
If you wish to indulge in your news feed then by all means, go ahead. But start to do it consciously.
Notice the voice in your head and the reactions that are triggered by the input.
Are you genuinely enjoying scrolling through the virtual lives of your college associates, are their posts uplifting your mood or are they spurring jealousy? Or judgement?
Perhaps you could seek out more positive information to read and watch. Or instead engage in activities that make you smile. Imprint more encouraging messages into your mind.
It’s up to you how you spend your time. But whatever you do, try to do it with full focus and attention. This way you can observe the inner voice and keep it in check.
Don’t give the subconscious free-reign to take charge of your emotions. Why allow it to sabotage your dreams?
Try to notice when the mind starts to wonder and bring it back – Now you are working with your conscious mindset.
Surround Yourself with People That Pick You Up
It’s not only what we read and watch that impacts our mindset. It’s also who we chose to interact with on a day to day basis.
Food for thought…
Think about the 5 people you spend the majority of your time with. Maybe check through your recent messages if you can’t think off the top of your head.
Do these people inspire you? Do you make each other laugh? Is it at the expense of others? What version of you does your best friend bring out? Do you encourage each other? Hold each other accountable? Is it a kind relationship? Genuine? Do you lift each other up or put each other down (even if only in jest)?
What emotions do your nearest and dearest invoke… kindness, compassion, jealousy or anger?
Are your relationships healthy?
Hence we should choose our friends wisely. Surround ourselves with people that pick us up rather than put us down.
Seek out positive, successful people. Forge a feedback loop to nourish your subconscious with wholesome thoughts, encouraging you to live up to your full potential. Enabling you to comfortably live your best life.
By engaging consciously with your environment, smiling often and surrounding yourself with people that inspire you, you will naturally become more content and grateful for the life that you are living.
This will then attract more things to smile about.
By switching your negative self talk to a more gratuitous voice you rewire the subconscious to act in alignment and accordance with things to be grateful for.
By consciously engaging in your life you can focus on filling your cup rather than wasting your time and energy on things that trigger negative thoughts and emotions.
Why not tune into your subconscious and get it to work with you, rather than against you.
It’s amazing what can be achieved when you start to live consciously.
Anything is possible.
This article is the third in a 3 part series on Living Consciously.
Be sure to check out our posts on How to Keep Calm Amidst the Chaos and Your Morning Routine: Setting Yourself up to Smile.